Monday, March 4, 2013

Here we go again...

As some of you may know, I have blogged before. The ill-fated site began and ended two summers ago following my freshman year of college. It saw exactly three posts, and I remember none of their subjects. Ultimately, blog number 1 ended because I realized how little I actually had to say in blog format and consequently I did not post for a long time before I decided to take it down. But now...

I'm back.

Why now do you ask? Well, I have been admiring my friends' blogs for some time now (see these classy ladies here and here). I know that I can't be like them (reference the above experience for my failed attempt to do so) so I came up with a different idea.

I love food: I like eating it; I like making it; I like looking at it; I like reading about it. I just love food. Cooking has always been a passion of mine, and, through a lot of experience and a great deal of trial and error, I've gotten pretty good at it. My roommates have been known to call me the domestic goddess on a regular basis. You've probably guessed by now that this is going to be a food blog, and you would be right. However, there are a million cooking blogs out there already and I'm just a lowly college student so I've got to do something different, right? Here's what it comes down to:

I talk to people all of the time who feel like they can't cook. It's too hard or it takes too much time or every time they do make something, they're stuck with enough leftovers to feed a small nation for a week. It doesn't have to be that way. It's possible to make good and healthy food for one or two people on a budget while balancing a hectic schedule. I do it all the time.

So that's basically it. I want to share my kitchen wisdom (when I feel like it, of course) with the culinary paupers amongst us (jk folks. I really don't think that I'm that great of a cook). So I'll be sharing my successes and my failures from my stove - my recipes and nutritional knowledge. Plus, I'll throw in some random stuff from time to time like this: the source of my blog title and some great music to work some kitchen magic to.

Have fun and love food.



  1. I am so incredibly flattered! And happy that you're back in the blogging world. I'm love food blogs. You'll probably get a lot of traffic from me especially on fast Sundays...

  2. Ariel. I am so happy you are doing this. Not only because I'm excited to read your writing but because, honestly... I NEED this. Because even though I really do like to cook, most of the recipes that I run across on pinterest end up being too time-consuming, too complicated, or too expensive, or unappetizing in some way. I know that none of these things will be the case with your posts. #amiright

    Love you!

    Amanda Mo.
